Biodiversity of developed riverbanks

Different taxonomic groups (terrestrial and aquatic animals and plants) are chosen to take account of the biological community structures and ecosystem functions that develop after the construction work has been carried out.


The results show a real added value ecologically due to soil bioengineering techniques, both on the mixed installations (combining civil engineering and soil bioengineering techniques) and on those using pure soil bioengineering.

Plants, as the primary producers, create zones that act as habitats, refuges, and nutrition, and areas for reproduction and transition for many terrestrial organisms. Aquatic organisms benefit from root systems that are caches and habitats for many species of macroinvertebrates. Plants are thus essential for the development of viable and functional ecosystems in piedmont riparian zones and the revegetation effort inherent in soil bioengineering techniques promotes the functional restoration of a landscaped bank.


To elaborate

Cavaillé, P., F. Dommanget, N. Daumergue, G. Loucougaray, T. Spiegelberger, E. Tabacchi and A. Evette (2013). Biodiversity assessment following a naturality gradient of riverbank protection structures in French prealps rivers. Ecological Engineering 53(0): 23-30.

Cavaillé, P., L. Ducasse, V. Breton, F. Dommanget, E. Tabacchi and A. Evette (2015). Functional and taxonomic plant diversity for riverbank protection works: Bioengineering techniques close to natural banks and beyond hard engineering. Journal of Environmental Management 151(0): 65-75.

Cavaillé, P., A. Evette and G. Huyghe (2014). Quelle biodiversité pour les berges aménagées ? Génie Biologique 14(1): 32-38.

Evette, A., C. Zanetti, P. Cavaillé, F. Dommanget, P. Mériaux and M. Vennetier (2014). La gestion paradoxale des ripisylves des cours d’eau de piedmont alpin endigués. Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de géographie alpine.